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1) This Balancing Cleansing Oil makes the Oil Cleansing Method seem like much less of a hassle. I like that the oils are premixed and that they come in reusable glass bottle! 2) Is there anything fancier than a bath truffle? I doubt it. Enter this for a chance to win a jar of your own! 3) I'll admit to having a G0d-given mustache. You've...
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As my product reviews have become more in depth, I've grown accustomed to reviewing a single product at a time. I find it's easier to be thorough this way. However, after trying my two new Made From Earth Lip Balms, I decided to review them together. They're so similar in performance, ingredients and price that it just made sense. Ingredients (provided at madefromearth.com)- Citrus Fresh Lip Balm- ", , , Organic Essential Oils of , ...
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Made from Earth is a line of organic skincare products that are always free of parabens, synthetic preservatives, colors, and fragrances. They're a cruelty-free company and one that fully supports The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. I recently received several Made from Earth products in the mail for review, and the Peppermint Herbal Conditioner's lovely scent and no nonsense list of ingredients begged me to try it immediately. How could I resist? Ingredients (provided at madefromearth.com)- ", , Read More »
I gave up on concealer for a couple of years (with brief relapses when I needed to cover up a sunburn) because I realized how pointless clogging my pores to make my skin look better seemed. Lately, though, my eyes have been looking a little tired, and my not-so-noticeable dark circles have become slightly more noticeable. While I'm still against the idea of using concealer to hide pimples, I am all for looking well-rested. My solution? Josie Maran Argan Blend Concealer! Ingredients (provided at sephora.com)-"Read More »
Ingredients (provided at sephora.com)- "Water, Rose Water, Glycerin, Quaternium-15, Carmine." I couldn't find this product in the , so I've linked to each ingredient above. The ingredient that concerns me most, or at all, is Quaternium-15. It has a high hazard score of 6 and acts as a formaldehyde releaser. Sheesh! I was initially drawn to this blush because it had so few ingredients (well, that and the exceptional performance). I guess fewer doesn't always mean better, and it...
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Ingredients (provided at burtsbees.com)- “, , , , , ." This product receives a hazard score of on the , and the only ingredient with a hazard score above a 3 is fragrance. The bottle says the fragrance is natural, and I guess that's just vague enough to make it seem less threatening. The CSD also lists as an ingredients,...
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Ingredients (provided at noahsnaturals.com)- "*, , *, , , , , *. *Indicates Plant Origin" I couldn't locate this product in the , so I linked to each ingredient individually above. The following three ingredients concern me most: Retinyl Palmitate...
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I purchased a bottle of Dr. Bronner's Lavender Coconut Hair Creme around last July, but I guess it got lost in the abyss that is my bathroom cabinet. I ended up giving it to at some point, and then it really wasn't a concern of mine. I'm not sure what reminded me of it, but here I am with a very late review. Ingredients (provided at drbronner.com)- "Water, Organic Coconut Oil*, Organic Ethanol, Organic Jojoba Oil, Organic Hemp Oil, Organic Lavender...
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After finishing my bottle of Milk & Shea Butter Body Wash, I began searching for something with an ingredient list that wasn't tainted by . When I came across EO Essentials Orange Ginger Spice Shower Gel, I must've been so pleased by the price and the lack of synthetic fragrance that I forgot to analyze the rest of the ingredient list before purchasing it. Ingredients (provided on product packaging)- ", , , , , , Read More »