Foody Friday: Kombucha Kit


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Kombucha Kit

I recently ordered a Kombucha Starter Kit from Vegan Cuts, and it finally arrived a few days ago! All I need now is a big ol’ glass jug and some fancy sugar, and I’ll be good to go. Any tips or tricks from kombucha experts out there? I’ve only ever had store bought, but I’m pretty excited to finally be making my own batch. I ordered the strawberry green tea instead of the jasmine, and it smells like a dream come true.

 Read more about kombucha and its supposed health benefits here.

Enjoy your weekend! Assuming you’ll be attending a Halloween party or two, what’s your costume? I’m planning on being a toddler (complete with romper, pigtails, and hello kitty band aids), and I do intend to carry around a sippy cup full of red wine all night.

Update: Danielle and I have already started our first batch. I have a good feeling about it. Update to come!

by Dawn Grimes

Filed under: food and drink, foody friday, health and beauty, physical well-being
Tags: , fermented, , , , , ,
  • Serena

    Let us know how this turns out. i’ve never made kombucha myself but would love to do so someday soon :)

  • dawngrimes

    I’ll be posting an update soon! I actually tried a little yesterday, and it was quite good. Slightly carbonated and sweet, like a much more pleasant apple cider vinegar. Look out for an update post on Friday. :)

  • Pingback: Foody Friday: Kombucha Update | Turby and John()

  • raro

    I’ve been brewing kombucha for a couple of years, it’s interesting stuff. Have fun experimenting! Lately I’ve been making a nicer brew by using a lot less tea (about half as much as I’d use if I were making tea) and only letting it steep about 4 minutes. There’s lots of info on the web, but this page is SO detailed, it’s a wealth of info. I tried using all or some green tea after reading these articles, but don’t like it.

    Question: strawberry green tea? Really? Would that be green tea with synthetic strawberry flavouring? I was shocked years back to realise that the profusion of flavoured teas coming on to the market were all artificially flavoured. If you want to flavour your kombucha, Food Renegade has some good advice and recipes here:

    Lately I’ve been mixing my kombucha with home-brewed ginger ale (I started with Sally Fallon’s recipe in Nourishing Traditions but it’s become something else). That’s a great combination.

    If you can find the section on kombucha in Sandor Katz’s new book, “Art of Fermentation” it’s worth a read.

  • dawngrimes

    You sound like a kombucha pro! We’re just starting out, but we’ll definitely work our way toward flavoring our tea naturally and experimenting in other ways. :)

